Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Busy Summer

I love the summer!! But it's always busier than the rest of the year too. I realized it has been almost 2 weeks since I posted anything, so this is just a quick update. I had our annual conference for work last weekend, at Tamarack Resort in the mountains of Donnelly, Idaho. It was beautiful! I know, tough job. :) Robert was able to go, and he got to golf their amazing course, so I think he had fun. Here is a picture of the little cottage we stayed in. (Little, ha! 2 br, 2 bath, fireplace, full kitchen, and a hot tub on the back porch! All for just the 2 of us!)
We have been busy, busy with work and other things. Our church is doing VBS this week. FUN! I love it. Robert's in charge of games, and I am doing crafts and photos. Robert passed his licensing test (the BIG one) with an 84!! (The national average is 73 - way to go!) So one more smaller one, and then he will probably start at Waddell & Reed before September. I am also making a career change. I will be working for the Rock (our church) full-time starting in September. It is much closer to home, and a few less hours. I am very excited about it, although I will miss the people at my current job. Big changes for us! :)

We are going on vacation next week. YAY! We'll be camping in Yellowstone with Maggi & John & the kids for 8 days!! It will be a blast, and I have my new camera to experiment with! Robert has a friend working in Jackson Hole, WY who knows a lot of the researchers in Yellowstone, so we supposedly have an inside connection to information on the whereabouts of cool animals like bears and wolves. :) I can't wait! I promise lots of pictures when I return. I actually have a bunch now, but no time to post them all. Here are a few...

Well, the site is being difficult, so that is all you get for now! These are from Elyssa's birthday party. I will post more pictures later!


Blogger Khrista said...

That resort looks beautiful! Can't wait to see some of your photos from Yellowstone!
Our vacation was good...I need a vacation from the vacation! ha!
I can't post any pictures of our visit until I get the wedding finished! Over 300 photos to sort and edit!

August 02, 2006 8:04 AM  

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My grace is sufficient for you,
for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
- 2 Cor. 12:9