Tuesday, July 31, 2007

In Boise?!... Who woulda thought

Yesterday, The Bourne Ultimatum premiered at a theatre in downtown Boise. Director Larry Marshall and MATT DAMON were both here in town!! Matt Damon is my very favorite actor, so I was pretty excited. Since Robert & I work a couple blocks from the theatre, we walked down there and waited for him to show up. He walked right past us on his way there, then came back around. Unfortunately, when he got to about where we were standing, they rushed him through the rest of the line because he was running late. :o( Figures!! I'm not an obsessive fan or anything, but I do think he's a great actor, and from what I've seen, a very down-to-earth guy. Anyway, since I only had my cell phone, the picture below is all we got. But we did get to see him in person, so it was pretty cool! :)

My grace is sufficient for you,
for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
- 2 Cor. 12:9