Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Washington Coast

We are back from vacation, and although getting back into real life is no fun, I am feeling refreshed - and I'm almost caught up with the laundry! We had a great time, and saw a lot of really cool stuff... killer whales, seals, sea lions, starfish, sea anenomes, gorgeous sunsets, waterfalls, and a lot more. My favorite part about camping is that there is no timeline... no schedule... just doing whatever you want when you want. It's very relaxing. And I love the rain, so even that didn't bother me! Actually, one of our best hikes was in the mud and rain. I took a LOT of pictures, so here are a few of my very favorites. I have more posted on my MySpace, and will try to get a slideshow up in a few days.

My grace is sufficient for you,
for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
- 2 Cor. 12:9