Friday, December 29, 2006


Here are a few pictures from Christmas. It was pretty crazy for us, but fun. We celebrated Saturday with my family, Sunday we drove to Twin Falls to spend time with Robert's family, then Monday we drove back and spent that afternoon with my extended family. Arin ended up in the hospital Christmas Eve with appendicitis, and had surgery that afternoon! She is recovering well. Our family has had quite a year with hospital visits!! Jonas & Isaak's pre-school put on a Christmas pageant earlier in the month, and Jonas was Gabriel. They did a great job. :o) Overall, Christmas was great... lots of time with family and friends. Hope you all had a wonderful holiday as well!!


We draw names in my family for Christmas gifts, and this year Robert & I had Audrey & Arin. We were able to get Audrey a puppy!! I was really excited, and spent over a month looking for the perfect (and affordable!) dog. I finally found an Aussie/Sheltie mix puppy. She was only 6 weeks old when we picked her up and sooooooooo cute! I had her for a couple of days before I gave her to Audrey, and when I did, I cried. :o( She is such a sweet puppy, and she loves to cuddle. She also loves to play, and she's really fast! :o) Audrey loves her, and I'm glad I can still see her. Bailey wasn't too crazy about her. I really think he believes he's a human, and he usually shows no interest in other animals. Weird! Anyway, Audrey was pretty happy and Tessa is doing great, but we miss her!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I know it is after Christmas, but I am finally getting around to posting some pictures from Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving! And I love that all my family lives so close now, so it makes the holidays even better! We spent Thanksgiving day with my family (& some friends) and went to Twin Falls to have a 2nd Thanksgiving (yay!) with Robert's family that weekend. The kids made Thanksgiving placemats, Cortney made really cute cupcakes, Jake had the kids involved in a serious game of football, and the guys cleaned up after dinner (all by themselves)! At the Reynolds', we played a lot of games (I love games!) including Liar's Dice. Fun! :) Here are a few pictures...

My grace is sufficient for you,
for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
- 2 Cor. 12:9