Monday, April 23, 2007

Maternity Photos

My friend Chandra asked me to take some maternity photos of her as my baby shower gift to her! Of course I was thrilled to do it! :) She is due with baby boy #3 in about 3 weeks! The photos of her were easy... the ones with the other 2 boys (3 and almost 2) were a little more challenging! :) Here are some of my favorites!

Is 27 Old?!

Last Thursday I turned 27. For some reason, it just sounds so much older than 26! :) My wonderful husband took me to Texas Roadhouse (my favorite!) for dinner, then to the Anniversary Inn. It's a hotel in Boise that has themed rooms. We stayed in the Swiss Family Robinson room. It was really nice, and they do little things to make it special. (sparkling cider & cheesecake in the room, breakfast delivered the next morning, etc.) Earlier that day, I got a massage too! And a lot of my family & friends called or came to see me or sent cards. I felt very special, and a little spoiled! It was a great day!

Easter Outreach

Every year, our church puts on a big easter egg hunt and easter event the Saturday before Easter. This year, the weather was beautiful (sunny and 80!) and we had a LOT of stuff going on! We had the egg hunt, of course, free food, big toys, carnival games & face painting, prize drawings, live music, the Strength Team, a basketball tournament and a demo by King of Kings Skate Ministry! It was a lot of fun to be a part of it, and we had a couple thousand people come out, so it was pretty exciting to see all our hard work amount to something!

April Pictures

Here are a couple of misc. pictures from the last month or so... Cambree, my friend Hannah's daughter enjoying her lunch, and my adorable niece & nephews!

My grace is sufficient for you,
for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
- 2 Cor. 12:9