Thursday, January 08, 2009

Your Love Is Amazing

Sometimes life just overwhelms us, circumstances threaten to overpower us, and discouragement brings us down. The last month or so has been one of those times for me... I have felt simply overwhelmed by the circumstances in my life that are beyond my control. From losing my grandmother (June Odell, passed away on December 12th, 2008)... to watching my Uncle Cliff struggle with ALS... to being faced with tough, life-changing decisions... to simply having too much on my plate, and not enough time to work on the things that are really important to me... There is no way I can carry that much alone. Yet for some reason I allow myself to get to a place where I feel that I am alone.

I was thinking about all of those things this morning on my drive in to work... and then the most beautiful sunrise was right in front of me. It was like I could hear God say "I'm here. I love you. I want to carry those burdens for you." Just as I was thinking that, one of my favorite worship songs came on the radio. The words are below, and I wanted to share them because I know that others are struggling or hurting or just questioning right now too.

Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging
Your love is a mountain firm beneath my feet
Your love is a mystery, how it gently lifts me
When I am surrounded, your love carries me
Remember that no matter what you are going through, God's love never changes, and it never fails. He WANTS to lift you and carry you through it. His love is amazing.
Below is a video a friend of Cliff's put together, using pictures from their Israel trip and audio from some of Cliff's sermons. It's really good, and just emphasizes everything I said above.

My grace is sufficient for you,
for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
- 2 Cor. 12:9