Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Change of Plans

Due to several circumstances beyond our control, we have decided not to do the Ragnar Relay this year. The main reason has to do with my uncle's diagnosis (see post below), which is now official, and the fundraising we are planning for him. Please continue to keep him and his family in your prayers! We have already seen God doing amazing things through this situation, and know that He will continue to do so. It has always been Cliff's dream to go to Israel, so we (by we I mean the family, the church, the community, and many many people all over the country and the world who have been impacted by his faith and his life!) are raising money to send him and the family sometime in the next couple of months.
To donate to this fundraiser, you can visit The Rock's website and click on "Donate", then type "Cliff Israel" in the purpose box.
So, while we won't be running this weekend, we are still going on vacation, which I am very excited about! We'll be spending a day in Seattle, going on a whale-watching cruise in the San Juan Islands, camping and hiking for a week at Olympic National Park, and going to a Seattle Mariners vs. Baltimore Orioles game! I have a big stack of books to read, my camera batteries are charged, and now I just have to PACK!

Last night, we went out for sushi with some friends, and this was Robert's fortune!

We'll be back in about 11 days, and hopefully I will have lots of wonderful pictures to post!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Please Pray

We found out last week that my uncle Cliff may have Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS). He has some more testing on July 14, and there is no official diagnosis yet, but the doctor said his symptoms are "classic". He is young... just turned 51. And he has already made such an impact in the lives of so many people. I know that he will continue to do so through his attitude and his lifestyle, even as he works through this!

We know that God is the ultimate Healer, and that he can heal Cliff, whatever the diagnosis is. Please pray for my uncle and his family.... pray for healing, for peace and comfort during this difficult time of waiting to find out, and that God would be glorified through this situation.
Your prayers are greatly appreciated!

Oh NO!

So, we have a race coming up in about 2 1/2 weeks. I should have been more careful! :oP While playing tennis on Sunday, I sprained my ankle. It is not good, but it could be worse! Hopefully it heals soon, so I can get back to training!

Summer Sunsets

These were all taken on different days in the last couple of weeks.
I love sunsets. And I love summer!

My grace is sufficient for you,
for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
- 2 Cor. 12:9