Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Busy Summer

I love the summer!! But it's always busier than the rest of the year too. I realized it has been almost 2 weeks since I posted anything, so this is just a quick update. I had our annual conference for work last weekend, at Tamarack Resort in the mountains of Donnelly, Idaho. It was beautiful! I know, tough job. :) Robert was able to go, and he got to golf their amazing course, so I think he had fun. Here is a picture of the little cottage we stayed in. (Little, ha! 2 br, 2 bath, fireplace, full kitchen, and a hot tub on the back porch! All for just the 2 of us!)
We have been busy, busy with work and other things. Our church is doing VBS this week. FUN! I love it. Robert's in charge of games, and I am doing crafts and photos. Robert passed his licensing test (the BIG one) with an 84!! (The national average is 73 - way to go!) So one more smaller one, and then he will probably start at Waddell & Reed before September. I am also making a career change. I will be working for the Rock (our church) full-time starting in September. It is much closer to home, and a few less hours. I am very excited about it, although I will miss the people at my current job. Big changes for us! :)

We are going on vacation next week. YAY! We'll be camping in Yellowstone with Maggi & John & the kids for 8 days!! It will be a blast, and I have my new camera to experiment with! Robert has a friend working in Jackson Hole, WY who knows a lot of the researchers in Yellowstone, so we supposedly have an inside connection to information on the whereabouts of cool animals like bears and wolves. :) I can't wait! I promise lots of pictures when I return. I actually have a bunch now, but no time to post them all. Here are a few...

Well, the site is being difficult, so that is all you get for now! These are from Elyssa's birthday party. I will post more pictures later!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Happy 4th!

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!! Ours was busy and lots of fun. Friday, I went out with the girls for Nicole's birthday and we all got pedicures, then went to lunch and shopping. We went to Twin Falls Saturday for yet another wedding, which was really nice. We spent Sunday there too, going to breakfast with friends (yes, we skipped church!) and then playing games with Maggi and Jon. We learned how to play pinochle (sort of, it's kind of confusing!) and taught them to play Settlers of Catan. If you have never played it, it is so fun... and addicting! :)

Monday, we sold the truck and bought a new car (I will have pictures of it later) and did some stuff around the house, including cleaning out and organizing the garage. Tuesday, my family came over and we cooked out, then we all went to the church picnic. We got some thunderstorms while we were there, but it was fun anyway. We watched the fireworks in Melba that night. Here are some pics from the weekend, but not nearly as many as I should have - I was slacking! :)

My grace is sufficient for you,
for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
- 2 Cor. 12:9