Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ashlie & Danny

And our next contestants on The Newlywed Game....
We had 4 weddings in our family last year! This year, only one is scheduled so far - Ashlie & Danny will be getting married on March 25. Of course, they are very excited, and we have a LOT of planning to do still. I took a bunch of pictures to use for their invitations, including these. They are a pretty cute couple! :)

Uncle Bob

"Uncle Bob" is what Arin's kids call Robert. I think it's cute! They love him, and I am pretty sure the feeling is mutual! :)

Monday, January 30, 2006

New Look

Well, I finally updated our page to make it a little more personal... MUCH thanks to Khrista for all her help!! :) Let me know what you think! Not too much is going on here - just the same stuff really. I am busy with work, and helping Ashlie get ready for the wedding in March. We (Arin, Ashlie, Mom, Nicole and I) finished the invitations yesterday. I think they look really good! Robert is busy looking for a job still. He has his zillionth interview this afternoon for one company... ok, maybe not that many, but it has been a lot! He thinks this may be his last though, so hopefully we will know something soon. We are also taking a Bible class at a local church. It is on Galatians, and we are really enjoying it so far! The pastor who is teaching it really knows his Bible... he can quote a verse for just about anything people in the class bring up! Makes me want to start memorizing verses again, so that it something I am going to work on. :) Sorry about the lack of pictures recently. I am going to try to be better about that. Until next time, here are a couple of "stock" photos (I did take them!).

Monday, January 23, 2006

It's Been a While

Wow, I just realized that I haven't posted anything new for almost two weeks. I guess I've just been busy. Work is crazy, as the Legislative session started this month, and I am doing the bookkeeping for our church also. So I had to get all of the end of year stuff done for them (W2s, year-end tax letters, etc.). I have also been sick for about a month. Yuck! I finally went to the doctor last week, and found out I have a sinus infection, bronchitis and probably a cold on top of that. :oP So I got some drugs, and am starting to feel better.

Robert is still job searching. He is in the middle of interview processes with 3 or 4 places (they have really long interview processes... he's done 3 or more interviews with each, and 2 tests for each so far!), so keep him in your prayers. We are also hoping to close on the rental house next month, if everything goes smoothly. That will be a huge blessing! Well, I don't have any great pictures this week (I have a few of Ashlie and Danny, but the battery on my camera is dead so I can't upload them right now), so I will leave you with some pictures of the Capitol, where I am spending more and more time lately. I did not take these, but I am planning to take some in the near future! :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Our "New" Car

Well, we finally found another car, which makes things a little easier for us! It is a 94 Saturn wagon. I really like it! I missed the room I had in the Jeep, but we're not quite ready for a minivan yet! :) So this is perfect. I have yet to drive it, since we just got it on Sunday and Robert took it in to register it yesterday, then drove it to Twin Falls today. Maybe tomorrow...

Boy Band?

Jonas and Isaak got guitars for Christmas. They love them, especially Jonas, and we were all serenaded for quite some time on Christmas day. It was very cute! Isaak is learning, as you can see. He will actually let J.J. help him, unlike Jonas, who of course knows it all already! And I had to add this picture of Elyssa, showcasing Arin's attempt at pigtails. She is very determined! :)

My grace is sufficient for you,
for My strength is made perfect in weakness.
- 2 Cor. 12:9